This book from the in Luxemburg born Auguste Clavareau (1787-1864) is rare and special because it’s scarce but even more because the first two pages, featuring the frontispiece and the title page, I found two handwritten texts from 1841, the same year the book was published. Beneath the frontispiece, which includes a lithograph of Scheveningen,…
Two bas-reliefs elegantly framed have been exposed in our main room for a while. They were perking from one of the shelves, capturing the attention of everyone visiting the shop, was it for the antiques or for the wines. At a first glance they seem carved in ivory as the surface is rather shimmery and…
Our collection boasts several prints from Pim van Eekelen’s collection. All these pieces feature his mark, a V and E in a circle in blue-greenish ink, mostly on the verso of the prints or on a cardboard mount. Here, the collector would also include information on the biographies of the artists and in some cases…
Sometimes poems provide us with incredible details. See for instance our occasional poem on the death of Harriot Sowden, 3 years old. On the moment of her death her mother was 8 months a widow, she was hit by a luggage cart broken loose at the flower market. Jacob Gotts managed to save two children…
New Catalogue New Years Wishes, etc.
We have recently described a beautiful portrait of Amsterdam merchant and art collector Abraham Velters. It is a remarkable copy after a painting by Jacob Adriaensz. Backer (1608-1651), last seen at Christie’s in 2012. The Rijksmuseum holds a copy of the marvellous portrait, but it’s much more clumsy and less neat than our watercolor. Find…
Tientallen drenkelingen in de Amsterdamse grachten, zelfs een koets te water. In dit pamflet uit 1791 beginnen enkele bewoners aan de grachten een crowdfunding avant la lettre. Aangekondigd wordt dat er intekenlijsten in diverse grachtenpanden liggen voor diegenen die willen bijdragen aan het financieren van relingen. Kennelijk bleef het probleem bestaan. Het tweede pamflet in…
It was only until the end of the eighteenth century that the ideals of Enlightment became generally accepted. Almanacs changed as a result, the astrological predictions made way in favor of other features. Increasingly the compilers of these almanacs replaced the weather forecasts and similar incongruity, in the words of Amsterdam based publisher Theodorus Crajenschot…
Ever heard of the modern 18th century Robin Hood: Louis Dominque Cartouche (Paris 1693-1721)? He was a French social bandit, criminal. Didn’t succeed in school and therefore became a bandit and head of a gang of robbers. His nickname being l’enfant, being only 1m50. He was acting together with Francois Louis Gurthus de Châtelet, nicknamed…
Please join us in Amsterdam and see this catalogue with some highlights of the items we bring: Catalogue NVvA fair 2022.