Ever heard of the modern 18th century Robin Hood: Louis Dominque Cartouche (Paris 1693-1721)?
He was a French social bandit, criminal. Didn’t succeed in school and therefore became a bandit and head of a gang of robbers. His nickname being l’enfant, being only 1m50. He was acting together with Francois Louis Gurthus de Châtelet, nicknamed Le Lorrain.
This very succeful duo was – thanks to a large scene of butlers, chamber maids and informers – fully in control of the route between Versaille and Paris. In the end Le Lorrain betrayed Cartouche and Cartouche was taken prison in the Place de Grève. Cartouche and a huge number of the helpers were arrested and/or executed.
A sad end for the social bandit, a modern Robin Hood, entered into history as a hero that is taking care of the weak in society.
[Criminality, banditry 1735] ‘t Leven van den weereldberuchten kapitein der moordenaren Louis Dominique de Cartouche, behelsende een verhaal van deezelfs afkomst, opvoeding, ongehoorde gaauwdieveryen, gevangenneming, verwonderens waardige uitbreking der gevankenis, zeldsame verdediging en daar op gevolgde bekering en executie binnen de stad van Parijs. Uit het Fransch vertaalt, 4e- druk, Amsterdam, Johannes de Ruiter en zyn te bekomen by Geertrui de Ruiter, 1735, (6)+116 pp.[Criminality, banditry 1735] ‘t Leven van den weereldberuchten kapitein der moordenaren Louis Dominique de Cartouche, behelsende een verhaal van deezelfs afkomst, opvoeding, ongehoorde gaauwdieveryen, gevangenneming, verwonderens waardige uitbreking der gevankenis, zeldsame verdediging en daar op gevolgde bekering en executie binnen de stad van Parijs. Uit het Fransch vertaalt, 4e- druk, Amsterdam, Johannes de Ruiter en zyn te bekomen by Geertrui de Ruiter, 1735, (6)+116 pp.
In a later book in French, the love life of Cartouche is the main topic. Adventures are told, as found in a manuscript in the cabin of Bicetre after the death of the companion Duchatelet.
Louis Dominique Cartouche (Paris 1693-1721} was a French bandit, criminal. He was the son of Jean Garthauszien and changed his name in Gartouse, later Cartouche. He didn’t pass school and became a criminal. He became head of a gang of robbers. He had the nickname l’enfant because he was short, about 1m50. He was acting together with Francois Louis Gurthus de Châtelet, who had the nickname Le Lorrain. They were very succesful together and had a large scene of chambermaids, butlers and informers in order to control de route between Versaille and Paris. In the end Le Lorrain betrayed Cartouche and he was taken prison in the Place de Grève. Cartouche and a huge number of the hundred colleague criminals were arrested and/or executed. He was a social bandit, a modern Robin Hood and entered history as a hero that is taking care of the weak in society.