Two bas-reliefs elegantly framed have been exposed in our main room for a while. They were perking from one of the shelves, capturing the attention of everyone visiting the shop, was it for the antiques or for the wines. At a first glance they seem carved in ivory as the surface is rather shimmery and…
Category Archives: Latest news
Sometimes poems provide us with incredible details. See for instance our occasional poem on the death of Harriot Sowden, 3 years old. On the moment of her death her mother was 8 months a widow, she was hit by a luggage cart broken loose at the flower market. Jacob Gotts managed to save two children…
We have recently described a beautiful portrait of Amsterdam merchant and art collector Abraham Velters. It is a remarkable copy after a painting by Jacob Adriaensz. Backer (1608-1651), last seen at Christie’s in 2012. The Rijksmuseum holds a copy of the marvellous portrait, but it’s much more clumsy and less neat than our watercolor. Find…
Tientallen drenkelingen in de Amsterdamse grachten, zelfs een koets te water. In dit pamflet uit 1791 beginnen enkele bewoners aan de grachten een crowdfunding avant la lettre. Aangekondigd wordt dat er intekenlijsten in diverse grachtenpanden liggen voor diegenen die willen bijdragen aan het financieren van relingen. Kennelijk bleef het probleem bestaan. Het tweede pamflet in…
The Dutch version (dd 1823) of An account of the Last illness, Decease and Post Mortem appaerances of Napoleon Bonaparte by his physician Arnott who was with him when he died. Rare book with all the gory details! In Vaderlandsche letteroefeningen, jaargang 1823, gaf men reeds het volgende smeuïge commentaar:“Dat bonaparte wel zeker gestorven, en…
Recently, we added many handcoloured copper-engravings by Jan Goeree on the website. They are beautiful prints, on important historical buildings in Amsterdam. Good colours, relevant information on the prints, a real eye-catcher! You can see all prints by Goeree by clicking this link: Jan Goeree overview
We will be present at the 40th edition of the Amsterdam International Antiquarian Book Fair, 2 & 3 October 2020, #Passenger Terminal Amsterdam. See for further information We will inform you soon to explain all the details and our special books and prints for this fair.
Balistraat 81B, The Hague15.00-17.00 To accompany the presentation of our e-catalogue #40, we would like to invite you to the exhibition of the striking items in the catalogue on Saturday May 13th, from 15.00-17.00. You can freely walk in to explore the most beautiful items presented in this catalogue. Arine and Hugo will be there to answer your…
This lovely article was published in Den Haag Centraal of April 14, 2017. We are very proud to be in this newspaper with great photo’s and a enthusiastic story about combining our Antique Bookshop Antiquariaat van der Steur and the wine business Wijn op Dronk into one building. Most people enjoy the combination of wine…
Yes, we were again on National Dutch Television with a documentary about moving the Antique Book Shop from Haarlem to The Hague. You can see the program through this link: We were also on Noord-Holland Television with the moving of the Antique Book Shop. You can see the item through this link: HAARLEM…