Satirical print/Spotprent “Hoe, Leydens Warmond, hoe, men tergt u Vrank en Vry?”, etching with printed text. Text in the etching: Mediis Furibundus In Iocis.
Satirical print on the poet Johannes le Francq van Berkhey exclaiming hard critic on the Patriot party and the volunteer Corps of Leiden.
The tension between the Patriots and the followers of Stadhouder Willem V were very huge around 1784. In June there was a Oranjeoproer in Leiden. The poet and lector Le Francq van Berkhey was harassed by the members of the Volunteer Corps. The whole situation was well known as “de Berkhey-affaire”. Berkhey throw off his gown at a certain moment. He was scoffed by this incident at October 2 1784 (2 oktober 1784).
Text under the etching:
Hoe, Leydens Warmond, hoe, men tergt u VRANK EN VRY?
Daar legt de Lector al! help, Trago, sta hem by,
Of anders moet uw vriend, de POPPEMAN, hier Sneven!
Neen, blyf, zyn kragt herleeft, hy steld zig in de Bres,
En tast in gramschap, naar ’t ORANJEMOSSELMES,
Om aan zyn weerparty een roode veeg te geven;
Maar Overmagt verwint, en loont zyn moed met hoon:
Zy kroont hem met een kap – een kakstoel word zyn troon.
Schenk Leydenaar! meer gunst aan Hesjes oude trooster,
En maakt hem Priör van het vrouwlyk PoppenKlooster.
SKU: 65785
Etching and letterpress text under etching, total: 230 x 160 mm, plate mark: 140 x 95 mm. Some small torns on the top, otherwise in very good condition; Muller 4567, Van Stolk 4580.
€ 151,25 (€ 125,00 ex. btw)