
Astrology, Illustrated, 1768 | Het groote planeet-boek, met de geomanci, physiognomi ende chyromanci. Alles uyt Platone, Ptolomeo, Hali, Albimaser, ende Johannes Koninksberger. Op het kortste ende vlytigste t’zamen getogen. Eenen ygelijken ten nut, om het kwaad te middelen, ende het goede aan te nemen. 17e druk. [….]. Amsterdam, Joannes Kannewet 1768, 282 pp.

SKU: 17754

This fascinating item is the 17th printing of an extremely popular folk book on the occult; very few copies of earlier editions survive. It provides a layman’s guide to astrology, physiognomy, and palmistry, presented in three parts. The first explains the origins of the world and the planets. The second provides recommended days on which to pursue specific activities, and when to expect luck or misfortune, calculated based on the planets and months. The third part provides guidance, alongside in-text illustrations, on interpreting various facial features and body shapes to assess a person’s character; the influence and consequence on the same of astrological signs, constellations, names, and birth months (among others); and an extensive guide to hand-reading. The final chapter of the third part considers the “wondrous and rare” stature of women and men from other (foreign) lands (e.g. India, “New India”, Ethiopia, Africa, Egypt).



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