Hoen, Theodorus (Hoen, Dirck)
Astrology | Natuerlycke astrology; dat is De verthooninge, van de aert, natuer, ende kracht der planeten, aspecten met haer werckinge in ‘s menschen lichaem. Leeuwarden, Gysbert Sybes, 1659.
The book is divided in two parts, each with 10 chapters. The first part gives a general survey of astrology. The second part is devoted to the prediction of the weather and natural phenomena like earthquakes, thunder and lightning, etc. Hoen displays his astro-medical ideas primarily in the first part, as he believed astrology was of great importance for medical treatments. The appendix considers many geometrical and mathematical questions. Little is known about Hoen’s biography. From 1632 until his death in 1670 he lived in St. Annaparochie, working as surveyor and mapmaker. He likely combined his daily, more down-to-earth work with popular astrological predictions and calculations for almanacs. In his Billandts Almanach for the year 1653 he clearly acknowledged the distinction between his two occupations: astronomy and astrology; the first being based on decent geometry and arithmetics, the latter — no less fundamental — focusing on the relation between earth, nature and humanity with the signs of the zodiac and the stars. From 1649 up to 1670 Hoen calculated almanacs, for which he was paid by the provincial authorities. They also rewarded Hoen with the sum of 30 guilders for the present astrological manual, which he had kindly dedicated to the statesmen of Frisia. A-P 8. B0105.
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