Rare Book, 1654, Roman History | M. Velleius Paterculus cum notis Gerardi Vossii G.F., Lugd. Batavorum, Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1654, [12] 116 [28] 229 pp.
A 1654 edition of Marcus Velleius Paterculus’ Historiae Romanae , accompanied by a section of annotations by Gerardus Johannes Vossius. The dedication is followed by an introduction on Paterculus and his work. Engraved title page.
The original title of Velleius’ history is uncertain. The title page of the editio princeps states “P. Vellei Paterculi Historiae Romanae duo volumina ad M. Vinicium cos.”, but this title was probably assigned to the work by a copyist. The work is frequently referred to as a “compendium” of Roman history, or as Historiae Romanae .
Velleius’ treatise was not intended as a careful and comprehensive study of history. The author acknowledged as much, and stated his desire to write a more detailed work. However, there is no reason to believe that he ever did so. His history does not seem to have been widely known in antiquity. According to the scholiast, he was read by Lucan; the Chronica of Sulpicius Severus seems to have been modeled on Velleius’ history; and he is mentioned by Priscian, but this seems to be the extent of his influence prior to the discovery of a badly damaged manuscript at Murbach Abbey in Alsace in 1515. Although corrupt and since lost, this formed the basis for the editio princeps published by Beatus Rhenanus in 1520.
The work consists of two books, and was apparently conceived as a universal history. The first covers the period from the aftermath of the Trojan War to the destruction of Carthage in 146 BC. The volume is missing several portions, including the beginning, and a section following the eighth chapter, which deals with the founding of Rome. The second book, which continues the history from the age of the Gracchi to the consulship of Marcus Vinicius in AD 30, is intact. It is particularly useful as the only connected narrative of events during this period; the portions of Livy’s history dealing with the late Republic have been lost, and are known only from a brief epitome, while other historians covered only portions of the span.The period from the death of Caesar to that of Augustus is especially detailed.
Antique book – Paterculus – Vossius – Roman History – Title page with Trojan horse and Aeneas, Anchises and Ascanius – rare
SKU: BB110099
Parchment on cardboard, 13.1 x 8.2 cm. Detached pastedowns, some minor stains. Overall in good condition.
€ 207,10 (€ 190,00 ex. btw)