Saeghman, Gillis Joosten (Drukker)
Rare, Almanac, glasses and case in binding, 1665 | Schryf-almanach, na de nieuwe- en oude-stijl, op’t jaer ons heeren 1665. Amsterdam, Saeghman, [1665]. [Gebonden met:] Kort en bondigh chronijxken van alle de gedenkwaerdigste geschiedenissen in Europa t’ zedert dan jare 1500. Tot dit tegenwoordighe jaer. Amsterdam, Saeghman, [1664].
32° [5] (112) (32) [8] [4] pp. Full leather binding with metal bosses and clasps, raised bands, and tooled fillets. Marbled pastedowns. An extraordinary surprise within the back board! Many in-text illustrations and vignettes (woodcuts), and red and black ink throughout the almanac. With the ex-libris of the famous Dutch book collector John Landwehr. Slight cracks to the front upper joint and both lower joints, but interior hinges intact. Back lower clasp has been repaired. One manuscript (ink) note for January and manuscript notes (pencil) on 4 of the penultimate [8] bound-in (cardboard) pages, but otherwise clean. In very good condition.
A unique, special volume. Two extremely rare books in a single, luxury binding that includes a hidden compartment for glasses–with the corresponding antique pair inside, intact!
The famed Golden Age printer Gilles Joosten Saeghman [Saegman] (1619-1704) published both works. He prepared the Almanack as a richly illustrated pocket edition. The Chronijxken provides a short history of Europe from 1500 to 1664, with an illustrated title-page featuring Europa on the bull. The contents therefore differ from other similar, surviving kroniekje of the time that focused on Dutch history.
SKU: BB110135
€ 5.450,00 (€ 5.000,00 ex. btw)