Patent of nobility donated by former elected Roman Emperor Franz II (1768-1835) in his role as the first Austrian Emperor Franz I (1804-1835) to major Franz Penater who was entitled to add ‘Von Freyhaide’ to his family name.
Holy Roman Empire, Vienna, d.d. 2 March 1821. Folio. Full red velvet, with yellow and black ribbons, in a metal box. Good condition. 36x31cm. Manuscript, calligraphic text on vellum, with printed decorative margins. One hand painted coloured coat-of-arms in a landscape. In the end the original signature of Franz I. Imperial wax seal with some cracks, in a large disc shaped copper case, attached to the document by the gold cord of the binding. This patent of nobility was donated by the first emperor of Austria to Franz Penater, who acted as major in the Austrian Imperial Army. The patent of nobility entitles him to add Von Freyhaide to his name. He became Oberstlieutenant and artillery commander (Artillerie-Zeugs-Verwalt.-Distr. Commandant) in Ofen, which is nowadays part of Budapest. He was active in the Turkish and French Revolutionskriege (revolutionary wars) as well as other battles that took place during is military service. The patent of nobility stresses that Penater earned his noble title by these war effforts. According to the patent of nobility he was pensioned in 1813, after a 30 year military career. H173
SKU: 61040
€ 2.071,00 (€ 1.900,00 ex. btw)