Arbiter, Petronius and Dictys, Dares.
Latin antique book, rare 1634 | Petronii Arbitri Satyricon : cum uberioribus commentarij instar notis, Amsterdam, Apud Ioannem Ianssonium(IS), Ianssonius, Jan Janszoon, Amsterodami 1634, [14]+268 pp. TOGETHER WITH Dictys Cretensis et Dares phrygius de exidio Troiae, Amstelodami Ioannem Janssonium 1631, [14]+199 pp.
Two latin works in one contemporary parchment binding in good condition. 8o, octavo, 110 x 60 mm. On the spine in handwriting with brown ink: Petronius Amst 1634 / Dictus Cretensis 1635.Both texts in Latin.
First book: Satyricon pages 2 -103, Symbolae annotationum in Petronium Arbitrum 104-261 pp. With engraved titlepage with satyr and woman with a forbidden fruit.
Second book: Dictys Cretensis de belle Triano et Dares Phrygius de exidio Troiae cum notis ad dictym. Engraved titlepage with Agamemnon and Priamus and the Trojan horse.
Dictys of Crete claimed to be an eyewitness of the Trojan war among the Mycenaeans. His report is without gods and was long the leading view of Troy during the Middle Ages and early modern times. According to Dictys it was the Trojans and not the Myceneaens who triggered the war.
These alternative rewritings of the Trojan myth by Dictys and Dares are among the most interesting and mysterious works of Late Antiquity. Scholars are still researching the truth of the story.
Antiek boek latijn – Trojaanse oorlos – Dictys van Kreta – Trojaanse paard – Agamemnon – Priamus – Mycene – BB110124
SKU: 4843-1
€ 599,50 (€ 550,00 ex. btw)