Freemasonry Vrijmetselarij 1762 | De pligten, wetten, of algemeene reglementen der vrye metzelaaren (…) der Zeeven Vereenigde Nederlanden, Amsterdam Jean Francois Jolly 1762, 125 pp. TOGETHER WITH Recueil de chansons des Francs-Macons, quatrieme edition Amsterdam La veuve J.F. Jolly 1762 [MMDCCLXII !], 200 pp.
Decorated paper cover, in -8, 195 x 130 mm. Both title pages with black and red ink.
First book: De pligten, wetten, of algemeene reglementen der vrye metzelaaren […] der Zeeven Vereenigde Neder-landen. = Les devoirs, statuts, ou reglemens generaux des francs maçons, Amsterdam, veuve J.F. Jolly, 1762. Titlepage in black and red ink.Text in Dutch and French: Les devoirs, statuts ou reglemes generaux des Francs Macons.
Second book: Musical notation, on the titlepage printer’s device. Text in French and Dutch. Songbook. Full title: Recueil de chansons, des Francs-Maçons. Vers, discours, reglements, &c. Augmenté de plusieurs pieces qui nónt point encore paru. La musique mise sus la clef Italinne avec la Baffe. Quatrieme edition, Amsterdam.
Work consisting of songs of the Masters, a portrait poem of the Maconnerie, speeches for the election of a most venerable Grand Master, Masonic philosophy, oracles, secrets, etc.
Women music publishers have existed since the late 16th century, but were comparatively rare before the 20th century. The widow of Jean Francois Jolly was one of them. She published around 1760 in Amsterdam.
SKU: BB110257
€ 599,50 (€ 550,00 ex. btw)