Abrahams, H.A.
Miniature book bookbinding guild Middelburg Zeeland, 1806 | H.A. Abrahams, Zedelijke bedenkingen en spreuken, Middelburg, H.A. Abrahams 1806, (6)+10+47+(1) pp.
Miniature book, 64° (6.3×5 cm.), (6) 10 47 (1) pp., bound in contemporary cardboard with yellow-colored edges. Dedicated to the Commissars of the craftsmen’s association of book printers, bookbinders, and book buyers: J.M. van Schoor, J.C. Altorffer, J.J. van de Sande and A.P. de Winter. Foreword dated 29-3-1806. Minor scuffs to the binding; otherwise in very good condition.
This miniature book, a “gildeproef”, provides a unique example of an official submission to join the craftsmen of book printers in Middelburg. In the foreword of his submission, H.A. Abrahams (1785-1874) recalls that the city council had passed a law 3 years prior mandating such “tests” before citizens could “freely exercise any art, craft, etc.” As the son of the well-established printers Johannes Abraham (?-1787) and Johanna Maria Hackenberg, H.A. presents what seems to be a satirical “proef”: a 64° format edited in the style of a folio. His choice both (literally) minimizes the task at hand and demonstrates his expertise in his family’s craft.
B1873 – Gildeproef – gilde – miniatuur boek – handenarbeid – gilden – H.A. Abrahams
[NL] Miniatuur boekje, 64° (6,3×5 cm). Proeve voor het boekdrukkersambacht te Middelburg. Opdracht aan de Commissarissen van het boekdrukkers, boekbinders en boekverkopersambacht en nering te Middelburg: J.M. van Schoor, J.C. Altorffer, J.J. van de Sande en A.P. de Winter. Voorwoord ondertekend 29-3-1806.
SKU: 50962
H.A. Abrahams went on to publish many important works on Zeeland. He also continued to publish the Middelburgsche Courant, which gained prominence during the time as an important publication in the political and cultural sphere.
€ 490,50 (€ 450,00 ex. btw)