Gellert, C.F.
Two volumes, 1775, Translation | Zedekundige lessen, in het Nederduitsch overgezet door J. Lublink den jongen. 2 stukken, 2e druk, Amsterdam, P. Meijer, 1775, 2 vols.
Gellert was a professor in philosophy at the university of Leipzig, lecturing on poetry, rhetoric, and moral philosophy. He intended his writings to raise the religious and moral character of the people. Although his work does not have an exceptional literary value, Gellert became one of the most popular German authors of his time. He is best known for his collection of fables and stories (Fabeln und Erzählungen) and his collection of religious poems and hymns (Geistliche Oden und Lieder).
With illustrated title vignette and a portrait of Gellert by Houbraken (after Dinlingerin). A fine copy.
Collected works – German – translation – morality – essays – religion – philosophy
[NL] Gebonden in 2 geheel leren banden uit de tijd, met stempelversiering op platten en rug. (20) 702 (10) pag. Goud op snee. Geillustreerd met titelvignet en portret van Gellert door Houbraken naar Dinlingerin. Mooi exemplaar.
SKU: 52504
Bound in gold-tooled leather, gilt edges. Fine copy.
€ 136,25 (€ 125,00 ex. btw)