Unknown master
[Wish card, New Year] Nieuw Jaars Courant, published 1787, 1 p.
New year’s wish card, woodcut and letterpress published in Amsterdam in 1787. On the top title enclosed in a frame inhabitated by a fame on the left, playing the trumpet and on the right by Mercury, the god of commerce, sitting on some goods from the company of the Indies. Signed on the bottom right, although not readable. Under the title: ‘By den aanvang van het Jaar onzes Heeren JESU CHRISTI MDCCLXXXVII / Eerbiedig opgeofferd aan alle Heeren, Kooplieden, Burgers en Inwoonders der Stad / AMSTERDAM / Door den Ombrenger der COURANTEN en DOMINEES-BRIEFJES.’ Three columns of text followed by the editor: ‘U Ed. Dienaar, Barend Hendriksz. van der Lint.’. Address of the publisher beneath: ‘Gedrukt by Erve de Weduwe JACOBUS VAN EGMONT: op de Reguliers Breestraat, te Amsterdam
SKU: 60865
Broadside sheet, woodcut and letterpress on paper; total: 510 x 420 mm; signs of foldings, and a couple of holes within the deeper foldings on the upper part.
€ 185,30 (€ 170,00 ex. btw)