Van Meerten, A.B., and Robide van der Aa, C.P.E.

School book, [1847], Education | Tijdwinst in Ledige Uren. Verhaaltjes en gedichtjes (…) Gouda, G.B. van Goor, [1847], 60+(1)pp.

SKU: 67672

Bound in embossed green linen with flower decoration in gold, 13.8 x 12.1 cm. Lightly stained/discolored, fragile. Colored plates detached but complete.Spine with flower decoration in gold and the text: Tijdswinst.

 98,10 ( 90,00 ex. btw)

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SKU: 67672 Categories: , Tag:
Abebooks category: Books
Period Made: 1800-1850
Product type: Books