[Printed publication,1800, Batavian Republic] Reglement voor de Secretary van het Uitvoerend Bewind der Bataafsche Republiek. ter ‘s Lands Drukkery, Den Haag, 1800, 14 pp.
Marbled paper on cardboard, 22.1 x 13.5 cm.
This text outlines the various tasks and obligations of secretary members of the Uitvoerend Bewind.
The Uitvoerend Bewind (Dutch for Executive Authority ) was the name of the government of the Batavian Republic between 1798 and 1801. The president of the Uitvoerend Bewind was head of state of the Batavian Republic.
Dissatisfied with the “slow” National Assembly of the Batavian Republic, the unitarian democrats (under the leadership of Pieter Vreede) the engineered a coup d’état on January 22, 1798, with the help of general Herman Willem Daendels. From that moment, the Unitarian Democrats ruled as the Uitvoerend Bewind, which soon became highly unpopular among their own supporters in the country. As a result, a second coup followed on June 12, 1798, with the goal of removing the unpopular rule. An interim government was installed, which would reign until new elections would bring a new Representative Assembly.
Frayed edges, some discoloration. Stamp of a former library collection.
Pamphlets, ordinances, Bataafse Republiek, politics, Uitvoerend Bewind
SKU: ZZ90465
€ 65,40 (€ 60,00 ex. btw)