Isaak Tirion (1705-1765)
[Cartography, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia] Engraving I Nieuwe kaart van het Oostelykste Deel der Weereld, published 1755, 1 p.
Map of the Eastern world as it was known in the eighteenth century. Remarkably, despite the borders of Australia were already known for a century, Tirion ignored that the New Guinee was an apart land.
From the Nieuwe en beknopte hand-atlas. 1744-[1769].
Isaak Tirion (1705 1765) was a Dutch bookseller and publisher. He is known for his Hedendaagsche historie (Modern History) and his Vaderlandse Historie, both historical reference works illustrated with engravings by leading Amsterdam artists. Of particular interest today are his map works, such as the United Netherlands in twelve parts and “Tegenwoordige Staat van alle Volken” (“Present State of All Nations”) in 45 parts. Some of his atlases were published after his death, such as the Atlas van Zeeland in 1760, which was published again and again until 1784.
Titled on the top right corner: Nieuwe Kaart van het Oostelykste Deel der Weereld, diendende tot aanwyzing van de Scheepstogten der Nederlanderen Naar Oostindie Volgens de laatste Ontdekkingen;
with the address of the publisher and date: Te Amsterdam by Is. Tirion 1753.
[NL] Kaart van het oostelijk halfrond geeft een interessant beeld van de ontwikkelende cartografie van het Verre Oosten. We zien Oost-Azië ver uitgestrekt buiten het schiereiland Kamtsjatka, evenals verouderde ideeën over Kompagnies Land en Land Jeso (Hokkaido eiland).
SKU: PR121304
Engraving on laid paper; wide margins; total: 415 x 509 mm; some damages along the margins, some dirt, rubbing and staining; folding creases; some holes at intersections. Overall in fair condition.
€ 229,90 (€ 190,00 ex. btw)