Fokke, Simonsz. Arend.
Narren-steinsche Nieuwjaars Courant, anno 5581, het 3dejaar, no 1. 1/12 (19), vrijdags dageraad, den 1sten dag van de maand, [Hendrik Moolenijzer], 1 p.
Plano, 1 page with small creases and folds. In het middle a small tear due to the folds. 45 x 26 cm. With vignet on top with the text: Dulce est decipere in loco (Het is prettig zo nu en dan uitgelaten te zijn).
As the Narrensteinsche courant anonymous publication, but most likely also published by Hendrik Moolenijzer and written by Fokke Arend Simonszoon. De Narrensteinsche courant was written between 1807 and 1811. In february/march it was send to Paris for approval, because it would contain critic at the emperor Bonaparte. In augus 1811 the latest edition was published, but it would keep the reputation even after the death of Fokke in 1812. There was for instance a reprint in 1829.
This is the more rare Nieuwjaarscourant, number 19.
SKU: BB10025
€ 136,25 (€ 125,00 ex. btw)