Zorgdrager, C.G. / A. Moubach,
[Fishing, Greenland 1720] Bloeyende opkomst der aloude en hedendaagsche Groenlandsche visschery (…) Met bijvoeging van de walvischvangst (…) door A. Moubach. Amsterdam, Oosterwyk, 1720, (36)+330+(14) pp. .
Full parchment binding with some wear on the right top corner but further in good condition, 4°. Illustrated with frontispiece of J. Folkema after F. Ottens, 6 folding maps and 7 illustration of which one folding (whale hunt (walvisjacht) by A. Salm after Van der Hem). Some waterdamage in the front of the book, but further a good copy. B10058.
Elaborate description of the Dutch arctic whaling industry, with a map of the polar regions and several maps of the principal islands used for whaling (walvisvaart): Greenland, Iceland, Spitsbergen, Jan Mayen, and Nova Zembla. With engravings of the many sea animals: walruses (walrus), whales (walvis), Whaling vessels (Walvisvaart) and other scenes about fishing the whales. Further general information on natural history, geography, economics and statistical tables of vessels and returns, and lists of the names of the directors and captains of the Greenland whale fisheries of the Netherlands, Bremen, and Hamburg.
SKU: 52416
€ 4.142,00 (€ 3.800,00 ex. btw)