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SKU: 14243
€ 27,25 (€ 25,00 ex. btw)
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[Antique drawing, 19th century] Landscape with a farmhouse (antieke tekening landschap met boerderij), made 19th century, 1 p.
Drawing and manuscript 1848 | Leaf of album amicorum with drawing and poem of J.A.J. Timmens, d.d. Bergambacht 1848, 1 p.
BOND CABBELE Portrait drawing of `Benjamin Bond Cabbele, F.R.S. and M.P. and a right good friend to the afflicted of humanity’. `By Mulready, taken from a book, belonging to Mr. Pye, the engraver.’ Both texts, together with the drawing in one frame, 200 mm high x 280 mm width.
[Heraldic drawing/Colored coat of arms] MARCONNET, HARAUCOURT, BAY, FAULQUIER, 18de-eeuwse gekleurde tekening van vier kwartieren, 18×16 cm.
[Manuscript, Vlissingen, 1860] ‘Zegenwensch opgedragen aan mijne edele weldoeners’. Gedicht op gedecoreerd vel papier, 4°, manuscript, dd. Vlissingen 1-1-1860, getekend Kaarsemaker.
Legal document partly manuscript 1733 | Schuldbekentenis van Gerrit van Heerstal en Johanna van Snijderburg, d.d. Haarlem 1733, betreffende F 1000 geleend van Nicolaas Evanijer(?) tegen 4%, gedurende een jaar. Partly printed by P. Rotterdam Amsterdam. Folio, 1 p.
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