Hendrik Bary (1640-1707), after Jan de Bisschop (1628-1671)
[Antique print, engraving] Portrait of admiral David Vlugh, published ca. 1700, 1 p.
Portrait of David Vlugh (1611-1673), Admiral of Holland, three-quarter length to left but facing front, with long wavy hair and moustache, wearing a long coat and a sash with ruffled trim and a medaille around his neck, standing behind a pedestal in front of a map of the North Sea and part of the English coast suspended between two columns, before him a balustrade with part of a cannon, anchor and dolphins; fourth state with text in lower plate-mark.
Lettered on the map in the background: “Englandt / Ocea … “. Lettered on the medaille Vlugh is wearing: “Concordia Res Parvæ Crescunt”. Lettered on the canon: “Concordiar”. Lettered on the balustrade with three lines of Dutch description, “David Vlugh, Schout … / … / … en ‘t Noorderqvartier”; followed by eight lines of Dutch verse: “Dit’s Vlugh, … / … / … het tweede Damiaet. / G. Brandt.”. Lettered with production details below: “H. Bary Sculp.” and “E. vanden Hoof Excudit.”. Lettered in lower plate-mark: “Op- Schrift vande Medaille / De Staten Generael … / … voor de Prosteriteyt.”.
The preparatory is held at the British Museum [inv. 1895,0915.1121]. The 1996-7 Malcolm Exhibition label text: The sitter, David Vlugh (d. 1673), was a commander of the Dutch fleet in engagements of the English coast. Jan de Bisschop, by profession a lawyer, was a gifted amateur artist who may have received instruction in drawing from Bartholomeus Breenbergh. He became an advocate at the Court of Holland in The Hague, where he spent most of his life, although he was born in Amsterdam. He published two series of prints after Italian art and the Antique.
[NL] Antieke prent, portret van schout-bij-nacht David Vlugh door Hendrik Bary. Op de achtergrond een wandtaptijt met een zeekaart. Met een vers van acht regels in het Nederlands door G. Brandt.
SKU: PR121275
Engraving on paper with some margins; total: 461 x 341 mm; state IV/4; some foxing and rubbing, overall in very good condition. Hollstein 77, Wurzbach 63, Muller 5731.
€ 302,50 (€ 250,00 ex. btw)