Unknown print maker; AA, Pieter van der (1659-1733)
[Antique print Leiden Universiteit, ca 1781] INWYDING DER UNIVERISTEIT TOT LEYDEN Anno 1575 (Prent optocht bij de inwijding van van Universiteit van Leiden, 1575), anonymous, published ca 1781, 1 p.
Illustration of the inauguration of the Leiden University on 8th February 1575. A procession of personages displayed in four rows with text in letterpress added on the right in Latin and on the lower border in Dutch with names of the represented men and symbolic items. All the subjects treated at this University are here represented along with historical personages related to them. For example the Bible (nr.3) is followed by the four Evangelists, Law (nr.8) by some of the most important Roman jurists, like Papinianus and Ulpianus, Medicine (nr.13) is followed by Hippocrates, Galenus, Dioscorides and Theophrastus, and so on. The procession continues with members of the city council, eminent professors and patrons of the institution. The first generation of scholars at the University of Leiden came almost exclusively from abroad, and its curators went to great effort to hire the best known scholars of the day. In the first quarter-century of its existence, almost sixty percent of the professors came from outside the Dutch Republic, half of them from the Southern Netherlands. As it appears from the explanatory texts names of professors were Latinized. In fact we read Casparus Coolhasius (Casper Collhaes) (nr.25) who was teaching theology, Theodorus Nieuwburgius (nr.28) professor of law, Petrus Forestus (nr.34) professor of medicine, assisted by Laurentius Orschotius (nr.37). Gerardus Bontius (nr.40) was a medical doctor, however he was assigned to teach mathematics. Cornelius Grotius (nr.43) uncle of the most famous Hugo Grotius (at that time unborn) was asked to teach philosophy. The procession is closed by soldiers with flags and weapons, some of them firing, and musical instruments. On the canal proceeding from left towards the right a triumphal boat carrying Neptune, Apollo and the Muses, also making music, ideally accompanying this great inauguration. Lettered on the top center:’INWYDING DER UNIVERISTEIT TOT LEYDEN Anno 1575′, in letterpress on the right:’EXPLICATIO / NUMERORUM. /1. Nucol. Hug. Gaal. Capit….. F. Neptunus’, on the bottom:’UYTLEGGING. / 1. ClaasHuygensz Gaal, Capitein … F. Neptunus’. In letterpress on the lower right corner in decorative typographical frame:’Gedrukt / te / LEYDEN / by / PIETER VANDER Aa.’ This print was used as illustration in the pubblication by J.J. Orlers ‘Beschryvinge der stad Leyden’ (1781), first volume, p. 608.
[NL] Met een bonte inwijdingsoptocht en honderden opgetrommelde burgers vierde Leiden op 8 februari 1575 de oprichting van de eerste universiteit van de Republiek. Via de oostzijde van het Rapenburg liepen ze naar de nieuwe academie, het Barbaraklooster, dat de universiteit haar eerste onderkomen bood’. Voorop reed de enige praalwagen met daarop Sacra Scriptura, de Heilige Schrift. Ze werd te voet begeleid door de evangelisten Mattheus, Marcus, Lucas en Johannes. Daarna Justitia, geblinddoekt, met weegschaal en zwaard, vervolgens Medicina met medicijnboek en kruiden en pisfles in de hand. Ten slotte Minerva.
SKU: 59765
Etching and letterpress on paper; platemark: 199 x 447 mm; total: 246 x 490; upper margin pasted on cardboard, folded on the right and other light traces of folding towards the bottom; tiny dirt spot on the text on the right. P3P
€ 272,25 (€ 225,00 ex. btw)