[Optica print, illumination] Prospectus Palatü sive Arcis imperialis Norimbergae.

SKU: 61242

Beautiful hand coloured and illuminated optical print of the courtyard of Nuremberg castle in Germany. As seen from left to right; The Heidenturm (Heathen Tower), Kaiserkapelle (Emperor’s Chapel), Tiefer Brunnen (Deep Well) and the Sinwellturm (Sinwell Tower). A large rainbow crosses the sky. This print is hand coloured in deep and vibrant colours, with an eye for detail. The light sources and accents of the buildings are perforated (dots and figures). At the back of the print we see that the holes are covered with see-through paper. Some of the holes are coated with green, yellow, pink and red paint. This gives the illusion of coloured lights when the print is held in front of a light source.

 363,00 ( 300,00 ex. btw)

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SKU: 61242 Categories: ,
Product type: Prints